How to Achieve Beautiful, Strong and Silky Hair!
Damaged hair is fragile, so it tends to break. Hair breakage can leave you with frizzy, unhealthy looking hair. The good news is that simple changes can prevent further hair damage. Here are 10 common hair care practices that can damage hair and tips on how to stop the damage.
Rubbing shampoo into the length of your hair when washing it.
Prevent hair damage by:
Gently massage shampoo into your scalp. When rinsing the shampoo from your scalp, rather let it flow through the length of your hair. Resist the temptation to rub it into your hair length.
Skipping conditioner.
Prevent hair damage by:
Use conditioner after every shampoo. Pool chemicals can be hard on your hair.
Wear a swim cap, rinse hair immediately after swimming, after rinsing your hair, wash your hair with a specially formulated swimmers’ shampoo and follow with a deep conditioner.
Rubbing your hair with a towel when drying it.
Prevent hair damage by:
Wrapping your hair in a towel or old t-shirt to absorb the water rather than rubbing it.
Let your hair air dry.
Brushing your hair while it is wet.
Prevent hair damage by:
If you have straight hair. Let your hair dry a bit before you gently comb it with a wide-tooth comb.
If you have textured hair or tight curls. Always comb your hair while it is damp, using a wide-tooth comb.
Using a blow dryer, hot comb, or curling iron.
Prevent hair damage by:
Letting your hair air dry when possible.
Using the lowest heat setting.
Limiting the time a hot comb or curling iron touches your hair.
Using these tools less frequently. Try to aim for once a week — or even less if possible.
Using styling products that offer long-lasting hold.
Prevent hair damage by:
Trying a hairstyle that does not require these products.
Pulling your hair back tightly, such as in a ponytail, bun, or cornrows.
Prevent hair damage by:
Wearing your hair loosely pulled back.
Using covered rubber bands made especially for styling hair.
Trying a different hairstyle that does not pull on your hair.
Wearing a weave or hair extensions.
Prevent hair damage by:
Wearing weaves and extensions that are light, so they do not pull.
Having weaves and hair extensions done at a salon that specializes in these services.
Only wearing a professional weave or hair extension for 2 or 3 months at the most.
Keeping up your scalp hygiene when wearing a weave or hair extension.
Switching hairstyles, so you don’t always wear a weave or hair extensions.
Colouring, perming, or relaxing your hair.
Prevent hair damage by :
Trying to add more time between touch-ups, especially when the air is dry. In the winter, try to stretch the time between touch-ups to every 8 to 10 weeks or longer.
Choosing one thing to do at a time — a colouring, relaxer, or perm. If you want more than one service, perm or relax your hair first, and do it 2 weeks before you colour your hair.
Always using conditioner after each shampoo.
When in the sun, protect your hair by using a leave-in conditioner that contains zinc oxide or wear a wide-brimmed hat.
Avoiding pulling and tugging on your hair as you brush, comb, or style it.
Removing tangles gently, using a moisturizing conditioner if necessary.
Brushing hair 100 strokes a day or tugging on your hair to style it.
Prevent hair damage by:
Brushing and combing your hair only to style it. Hair never needs 100 brush strokes a day. That’s a myth.
Using a wide-tooth comb, and always use it gently to comb your hair.
If you are wanting to add that last bit of vava voom to your luscious locks, apply a hair mask every so often.
Hair masks are quick, highly potent, and effective ways to provide your hair with tons of health benefits. Think of hair masks like high powered hair conditioners, giving your hair additional benefits such as softening and hydrating, a boost to grow, adding shine, and even fighting off infections.
While some hair salons offer expensive hair treatments that yield similar results, we have decided to call on Mother Nature for our hair mask. Naked Belief Hair Mask has natural, yet effective ingredients, straight from the Earth.